We have just entered the first of four Mercury retrogrades for this year. This one ends on 3 February and also coincides with Venus in retrograde so it is highlighting love and intimate relationships.
Retrograde is where the planet appears to be going backwards in the night sky. It can sometimes drag us back into old patterns, behaviours, emotions, etc, or bring forward issues from the past for resolution, so it is helpful to be aware of this energy so you can empower yourself to break through and beyond your past.
I have noticed over the last few years that there is at least one retrograde a year where I fall back into an unhealthy or unproductive habit, thought process, or behaviour, or when something (or someone) from the past comes back to haunt me. However, I always learn something valuable from the experience and for that I am grateful. I try not to be hard on myself when this happens and I simply use the next retrograde to get myself back on track if I haven’t done so already.
So, if you feel that you have taken a few steps backward or if something or someone returns from your past, then this is an opportune time for you to refocus and realign with your vision and goals for yourself.
Mercury in retrograde is commonly known for playing havoc with travel, communication, and technology so be even more mindful of these where they relate to love and intimate relationships. Communicate openly and honestly with those around you and have more face-to-face or phone conversations as opposed to text messages or emails. The written word can be easily taken out of context, especially during this time. Address any issues as they arise and do not let them fester underneath the surface. Keep a check on your emotions and do your best to keep your cool, even among the challenges that might arise.
Mercury in retrograde is a great time to ‘re’ anything so when it comes to your relationships and what you love then what is it that you need? Perhaps it is time to reflect, refocus, reconnect, re-calibrate, realign, revise shared values and goals, or simply just take some time to relax and renew together? It might be time to re-stand your ground and restate your intentions to ensure strong and healthy boundaries are in place.
On a personal level you might feel guided to focus on your mindset or your environment. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate what or who is important to you or to redecorate or rearrange things in your home to create a positive shift in energy that supports you and/or your vision in some way.
Use the next few weeks wisely to help realign yourself with where you want to go moving forward. The energy will definitely be supporting you and the efforts and actions you put in now will benefit you in the future. Take your time, as there is no need to rush during a retrograde. In fact, you will do best not to.
Mercury in retrograde is not generally a great time for new things, well certainly not anything big or important. Delay big purchases if possible and the signing of contracts, unless they are things that were in the pipeline before the retrograde began. Once you attend to the past or simply sit in this retrograde energy and let it gently float on by, then you can move forward with more confidence and ease, and less chance of obstacles being in your way.
Whilst Mercury in retrograde can often been seen as a negative time, it holds a lot of positive energy and opportunity. Like most things in life, your attitude towards it has a big impact on how it affects your life.
Embrace this time. Slow down. Reconnect with yourself, your heart's true desires, and with what and who you love. Do that and you will find that everything works out beautifully for you.
Enjoy the ride!
Kerrie ♡
Retrograde is where the planet appears to be going backwards in the night sky. It can sometimes drag us back into old patterns, behaviours, emotions, etc, or bring forward issues from the past for resolution, so it is helpful to be aware of this energy so you can empower yourself to break through and beyond your past.
I have noticed over the last few years that there is at least one retrograde a year where I fall back into an unhealthy or unproductive habit, thought process, or behaviour, or when something (or someone) from the past comes back to haunt me. However, I always learn something valuable from the experience and for that I am grateful. I try not to be hard on myself when this happens and I simply use the next retrograde to get myself back on track if I haven’t done so already.
So, if you feel that you have taken a few steps backward or if something or someone returns from your past, then this is an opportune time for you to refocus and realign with your vision and goals for yourself.
Mercury in retrograde is commonly known for playing havoc with travel, communication, and technology so be even more mindful of these where they relate to love and intimate relationships. Communicate openly and honestly with those around you and have more face-to-face or phone conversations as opposed to text messages or emails. The written word can be easily taken out of context, especially during this time. Address any issues as they arise and do not let them fester underneath the surface. Keep a check on your emotions and do your best to keep your cool, even among the challenges that might arise.
Mercury in retrograde is a great time to ‘re’ anything so when it comes to your relationships and what you love then what is it that you need? Perhaps it is time to reflect, refocus, reconnect, re-calibrate, realign, revise shared values and goals, or simply just take some time to relax and renew together? It might be time to re-stand your ground and restate your intentions to ensure strong and healthy boundaries are in place.
On a personal level you might feel guided to focus on your mindset or your environment. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate what or who is important to you or to redecorate or rearrange things in your home to create a positive shift in energy that supports you and/or your vision in some way.
Use the next few weeks wisely to help realign yourself with where you want to go moving forward. The energy will definitely be supporting you and the efforts and actions you put in now will benefit you in the future. Take your time, as there is no need to rush during a retrograde. In fact, you will do best not to.
Mercury in retrograde is not generally a great time for new things, well certainly not anything big or important. Delay big purchases if possible and the signing of contracts, unless they are things that were in the pipeline before the retrograde began. Once you attend to the past or simply sit in this retrograde energy and let it gently float on by, then you can move forward with more confidence and ease, and less chance of obstacles being in your way.
Whilst Mercury in retrograde can often been seen as a negative time, it holds a lot of positive energy and opportunity. Like most things in life, your attitude towards it has a big impact on how it affects your life.
Embrace this time. Slow down. Reconnect with yourself, your heart's true desires, and with what and who you love. Do that and you will find that everything works out beautifully for you.
Enjoy the ride!
Kerrie ♡