The new moon is the beginning of the moon cycle and is therefore associated with new beginnings. It’s a great opportunity to set new goals and intentions for the month ahead. Although you don’t see the moon illuminated (the sun is shining on the back side of the moon from Earth) it still holds the same powerful energy and is fabulous for using to intentionally manifest. So here are my nine steps for manifesting with the new moon!
1. Create your physical space
To get the most out of your manifestation create a sacred space that feels special to you and supports what it is you want to manifest. If the weather permits you can do this outside under the direct energy of the moon but it is just as effective indoors. Find a space that is just for you whether that be a room, part of a room or even your bed if you don’t have space anywhere else.
Where you do your manifesting is not as important as how, so treat your manifesting space with respect and ensure that it is clean, tidy and set up with things that are meaningful to you. The secret to manifesting is in the feeling so you want to ensure that you have an emotional connection to your space. Have a treasured notebook, special pens, candles, fresh flowers, photos, mementos, crystals, etc. Colour is a great way to bring a space to life too so bring that in where you can. Try to have something moon related as well, either a moonstone crystal, photo of the moon or something else that you associate with the moon energy.
2. Set your intention
Now that you have your physical space set up you can set your intention. This is basically you connecting with your heart, your higher self and with spirit to set the tone for this magical experience. Sit in your space with your eyes closed and place your hands over your heart. Focus on breathing in and out a few times until you feel that connection with your heart space.
Set an intention for what it is you want but also call upon your higher self to embrace your personal power so that you can create what you desire, with love and respect for yourself and others.
3. Call in spirit
Now call in your personal angels or guides, any specific archangels that you want to work with (Archangel Haniel is associated with the moon) and mother moon to assist you in your manifestation. If you do this regularly or have done it before you will have your own way to call upon the energy and powers of spirit, which is fine. For those who are new to this though here’s an example of what you can say (either out loud, in your mind or on paper):
To my personal angels, Archangel Haniel and mother moon I call forth your loving and powerful energy to help me to manifest my desires into reality. I ask that you assist me to release and let go of any fears and blockages I have in relation to manifesting my goals, hopes and dreams. I ask that you connect me with my intuition and personal power and give me clear guidance and direction moving forward. I also give you permission to step in and help whenever you see I need it. Thank you!
5. Visualise
Here is where you get to have some fun and visualise and dream about what it is you want to achieve. Fast forward to the end of the month, what actions have you taken during the month? What changes have you have made? Who is in your life? Where are you living, working, etc? How does it feel? Take notice of everything that you see and feel as this will guide you in your goal setting.
Now you can put your personal vision down on paper, either by writing down what you saw and felt or you can create a mini vision board that uses images, words or a combination of both.
6. Create your manifesting list
Using what emerged during your visualisation set your manifesting list (your goals). Write down a list of the things that you want to achieve for the month ahead. Include how you want to feel as well as what you want to achieve. Be creative as you want with this list. Make it colourful, draw patterns or pictures, and put love and energy into it.
Allow yourself to dream BIG here. Don’t set limits on what the universe can provide to you. If you have a specific amount of something or a specific thing that you want to manifest by all means list that but always add ‘or something greater’ to it. This allows the universe to provide to you abundantly and without limit.
Keep your list or your mini vision board somewhere where you will see it regularly over the course of the month, and continue to put love and energy into it. However, don’t obsess over it or try to control it. Once you set your list do what is within your control and have faith in the universe to do the rest.
7. Set your actions
As much as spirit is by your side and doing all it can to help you manifest your desires, they cannot do it alone. Therefore you need to ensure you do your part and take action where you can to manifest your desires into reality. It is important that you take action over the coming month, especially in the next two weeks as the energy of the moon supports positive action and focus.
On a separate sheet of paper write down what actions you can take and how often you can realistically do these over the course of the month. Ensure you have this list somewhere where you will see it every day to help keep you accountable. To get the most out of it allow space for you to tick off your actions as you complete them.
8. Be grateful
To close off your manifestation practice give gratitude to your angels, guides, spirit and of course mother moon for their energy, unconditional love and support. Be thankful for all the blessings in your life and allow your heart to swell with sincere gratitude.
9. Believe!
And last but definitely not least is belief. Believe in yourself, believe in spirit, and believe in the power of your hopes, goals and dreams. As I say, the more you believe the more you achieve!
1. Create your physical space
To get the most out of your manifestation create a sacred space that feels special to you and supports what it is you want to manifest. If the weather permits you can do this outside under the direct energy of the moon but it is just as effective indoors. Find a space that is just for you whether that be a room, part of a room or even your bed if you don’t have space anywhere else.
Where you do your manifesting is not as important as how, so treat your manifesting space with respect and ensure that it is clean, tidy and set up with things that are meaningful to you. The secret to manifesting is in the feeling so you want to ensure that you have an emotional connection to your space. Have a treasured notebook, special pens, candles, fresh flowers, photos, mementos, crystals, etc. Colour is a great way to bring a space to life too so bring that in where you can. Try to have something moon related as well, either a moonstone crystal, photo of the moon or something else that you associate with the moon energy.
2. Set your intention
Now that you have your physical space set up you can set your intention. This is basically you connecting with your heart, your higher self and with spirit to set the tone for this magical experience. Sit in your space with your eyes closed and place your hands over your heart. Focus on breathing in and out a few times until you feel that connection with your heart space.
Set an intention for what it is you want but also call upon your higher self to embrace your personal power so that you can create what you desire, with love and respect for yourself and others.
3. Call in spirit
Now call in your personal angels or guides, any specific archangels that you want to work with (Archangel Haniel is associated with the moon) and mother moon to assist you in your manifestation. If you do this regularly or have done it before you will have your own way to call upon the energy and powers of spirit, which is fine. For those who are new to this though here’s an example of what you can say (either out loud, in your mind or on paper):
To my personal angels, Archangel Haniel and mother moon I call forth your loving and powerful energy to help me to manifest my desires into reality. I ask that you assist me to release and let go of any fears and blockages I have in relation to manifesting my goals, hopes and dreams. I ask that you connect me with my intuition and personal power and give me clear guidance and direction moving forward. I also give you permission to step in and help whenever you see I need it. Thank you!
5. Visualise
Here is where you get to have some fun and visualise and dream about what it is you want to achieve. Fast forward to the end of the month, what actions have you taken during the month? What changes have you have made? Who is in your life? Where are you living, working, etc? How does it feel? Take notice of everything that you see and feel as this will guide you in your goal setting.
Now you can put your personal vision down on paper, either by writing down what you saw and felt or you can create a mini vision board that uses images, words or a combination of both.
6. Create your manifesting list
Using what emerged during your visualisation set your manifesting list (your goals). Write down a list of the things that you want to achieve for the month ahead. Include how you want to feel as well as what you want to achieve. Be creative as you want with this list. Make it colourful, draw patterns or pictures, and put love and energy into it.
Allow yourself to dream BIG here. Don’t set limits on what the universe can provide to you. If you have a specific amount of something or a specific thing that you want to manifest by all means list that but always add ‘or something greater’ to it. This allows the universe to provide to you abundantly and without limit.
Keep your list or your mini vision board somewhere where you will see it regularly over the course of the month, and continue to put love and energy into it. However, don’t obsess over it or try to control it. Once you set your list do what is within your control and have faith in the universe to do the rest.
7. Set your actions
As much as spirit is by your side and doing all it can to help you manifest your desires, they cannot do it alone. Therefore you need to ensure you do your part and take action where you can to manifest your desires into reality. It is important that you take action over the coming month, especially in the next two weeks as the energy of the moon supports positive action and focus.
On a separate sheet of paper write down what actions you can take and how often you can realistically do these over the course of the month. Ensure you have this list somewhere where you will see it every day to help keep you accountable. To get the most out of it allow space for you to tick off your actions as you complete them.
8. Be grateful
To close off your manifestation practice give gratitude to your angels, guides, spirit and of course mother moon for their energy, unconditional love and support. Be thankful for all the blessings in your life and allow your heart to swell with sincere gratitude.
9. Believe!
And last but definitely not least is belief. Believe in yourself, believe in spirit, and believe in the power of your hopes, goals and dreams. As I say, the more you believe the more you achieve!