Well, here we are on the first day of a 365 day journey. We do not need to know exactly where the journey is going to take us or what we will encounter or experience on the way. However, it can be helpful to know a little about the energy that will support and guide the steps we take.
I have been guided by the angels to give you insight into the year ahead to help empower you to create the life you want to live.
2022 is a year of heart resonance.
It is six universal year in numerology and it is about living our life in accordance with our heart space and energy. It is about being true to ourselves and our hearts needs and desires.
This year will highlight the areas of love, family, home, healing, personal responsibility, gratitude, and bring abundant blessings for those who embrace the learning and energy of this year.
The following indicates what we can look forward to experiencing this year but also what we are guided to focus upon and put intention into as the year progresses. It is a bit of a long read so get yourself comfy and read on!
How and where does this need to be a priority for you? Are you loving yourself as deeply and completely as you can be? Is your heart open to allowing others to fully love you? Are you living your life doing what you love? Are you surrounded by people and belongings that you love? Do you live and/or work in an environment that you love?
If you answered yes, then this year will elevate that love and bring abundance to your heart and your home. If you answered no, then this year will give you opportunities to change – change the relationship you have with yourself so you can hold more self-belief and empowerment, change your friendships and relationships to be more loving and healthy, change your circumstances to align with more of what you truly want, change your living arrangements so that you are surrounded by the energy of love every day, change your career to something you love, etc.
This becomes easier when you connect more deeply with your own heart energy and make choices and decisions that align with what is right for you and with the energy of love. It will not be without its challenge, because change can often be challenging, but the angels assure me it will be worth every effort.
You will be encouraged to set healthier boundaries for yourself and others and learn to be okay with saying no and disappointing people along the way. Love is not selfish. Love is self-assured. Love is taking care of yourself and your needs so that you are full of all that you need and are therefore better able to give your love to those around you, from a healthy place.
If you are looking for or have been waiting for a special love to come into your life this could be the year. Especially when you recognise your worth and what you have to offer another person. Your worth is never dependent upon who is in your life. It is not something to be measured or compared based upon what you have. It is not reliant upon what you look like either. Your worth is unquestionable and immeasurable. You are worthy just as you are. Always.
It is not only those born of the same blood that creates a family. Family can be your circle of friends, relatives, contacts, and colleagues. Those that you spend significant time with and those who hold a special place in your heart.
Is your family one that is whole and nurturing? Is it one that is fractured and destructive? Is it one that supports you to be the best that you can be, or does it hinder and diminish you?
This year will highlight these areas and give you opportunities to heal and nurture your family bonds so that you and your relationships can strengthen. You may not be able to heal others, in fact you will not. You can only heal yourself.
Remember who and what is truly important to you and let go of the rest. You do not need to agree with how others live their lives or in the choices they make. You do not need to be the model family or live in each other’s pockets.
Healing is not always about coming together. Healing is sometimes about letting go. Letting go of the hurt, the disappointment, the need to take responsibility for other people’s feelings or choices. Healing is about not harbouring resentment or negative emotions and being able to send love to those who need it, whether you are physically together or not.
There will be many opportunities to spend time with and connect with those whom you love this year. Be joyous and playful and appreciate the special people in your life. We cannot know with certainty what the future holds so be sure to love the people around you while they are there. Once a moment is gone, you do not get it back again. Take no one for granted this year and express yourself and your feelings freely, from your heart.
The home is highlighted this year and aligns with the energy of love and family. Is your home welcoming and inviting? Is your home clear or cluttered? Is your home a place that sparks love and joy within you when you walk through the door?
This year is the perfect time to work on your home and create an environment that is welcoming and inviting to those you choose to share it with. Redecorating or remodelling is favoured in this year, especially if it brings an improvement for those who live in it or come to visit. Infuse love into your home every day, not just through your belongings and décor but with your energy, intention, and vibrancy.
This is a great year to clear away clutter too. If the things around you do not invoke a feeling of love or joy anymore then pass them on. One mans trash is another mans treasure, as they say. Donate to charity, give to friends or family. Be generous in what you give away, knowing that it will bring joy to others, and you will reap the rewards in many other ways.
Your home may become a place of more activity this year too. More visitors and gatherings. Perhaps you will set up a home working space or a space to conduct your creative endeavours in. Ensure that you have a special space for you if that is what your heart calls you to do. It will benefit you in more ways than one.
Are you in need of healing? Let’s face it, in some ways we all are. Whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental, there will be lots of love and support around you to help you heal this year. Let people in. Do not suffer in silence or harbour feelings of unworthiness.
Some of you have been on this journey for years. Some of you on a roller coaster, some of you on a merry go round. This year will offer a breakthrough. An opportunity to really see progress. Especially if you feed your mind, your body, your heart, and your soul, with love.
Be your authentic self and let go of feelings of shame, embarrassment, guilt, etc. Shine a light upon the darkness and that which has held power over you no longer will.
You are a being of love and light and worthy of all that your heart desires. When you breathe this deep into your heart space and allow it to become a deep-seated belief, life will take on new meaning and direction for you. You will heal in ways that you thought were not possible.
Connect with your heart daily, listen to its resonance, and it will guide you on your healing journey. You will experience greater love as you heal, and you will heal as you experience greater love.
Are you in a place of personal empowerment? Are you taking full responsibility for yourself in your life? Do you fully own your actions and emotions? Do you find yourself blaming others for your circumstances or feelings?
This is going to be one of the greatest factors and learnings to get the most out of this year. For those who are or who do step into the realm of personal responsibility, you will find that your life flows with much greater ease and you will reap all the beautiful blessings that the year has to offer. For those who are lost in the land of victimhood, it will be a tougher time for you. However, you have the power to change that at any time you choose.
Let’s set the scene.
You cannot feel anything that you do not choose to feel. Someone else cannot make you happy unless you choose to be happy. Someone else cannot make you feel angry unless you choose to feel angry. When you pass your emotion on to be someone else’s responsibility or doing, positive or otherwise, you give away your power.
I see so many people use language, even in movies and television shows that portrays this. How many times have you heard someone say ‘you make me so happy’? When you are in a place of personal responsibility and empowerment you would say something like ‘I feel so happy when I am with you’. There is a difference. Pay attention to your language and the words you use this year.
Owning your emotions is one thing but personal responsibility is more than that. It is about not expecting others to fulfill your needs. You are responsible for yourself and your happiness, your contentment, your fulfillment, etc. On the same note, personal responsibility is the understanding that other people are responsible for themselves too. It is not up to you to fulfill someone else’s need. If you are a people pleaser, look for ways to change that if it is not serving your happiness.
Personal responsibility is also about not blaming others for your circumstances. The only thing you can truly control in life if yourself. Everything outside of yourself is out of your control to a large degree. So, bring your awareness within. If someone else is not treating you in the way you deserve, for example, you can place your energy and blame upon them or you can focus within and change an aspect of yourself that does not allow that person to treat you that way anymore.
If you are walking down the street or encounter a random act of unpleasantness, you can call yourself a victim of circumstance. If you allow a circumstance to be something that occurs more than once you are no longer a victim. You are allowing it to happen.
This will be confronting for some of you to read. This will be challenging for some of you to implement. But this is life changing. Embrace personal responsibility and you become empowered. Become empowered and your life will never be the same again, in the best possible ways.
Do you give thanks daily for the blessings in your life? Are you really grateful for all that you have, or do you focus more on what is missing? Do you have a gratitude journal?
Gratitude is the attitude.
The angels gave me this analogy during 2021 that I will share with you. It is a way to understand gratitude and its benefits on a different level.
Think about a person in your life, anyone. Now think about continuously giving them things. Whether it is compliments, your time, gifts, food, money, etc. If that person was grateful and expressed their thanks to you then you would be more inclined to want to give them more, right? You would get pleasure from the gratitude and happiness they feel. If that person was not grateful though and never thanked you for what you gave them, would you want to keep giving to them? More than likely, not.
Spirit works in the same way. When we are grateful for what we receive they give us more. When we are not grateful, they stop giving us the things we truly want. Not because we are not worthy but because we are not grateful for what we already have.
When we show gratitude for what we have, even when it is not all that we want, we get more of what we want. So, make this a regular part of your routine this year. Create a gratitude journal or join my daily gratitude post on Facebook and Instagram.
You could also start a gratitude jar and make it something that your whole family can participate in. Have pieces of paper next to the jar and encourage household members to write down their gratitude. You could then read these out loud together once a month, as an example. This will also help to bring in more of that love and family connection that the year embodies.
Are you open to receiving? Do you recognise and acknowledge your power to create? Are you attuned with the angels, spirit, and the universe?
If you answered yes, then get ready for an abundant year of blessings. There is so much on offer this year. It is like a smorgasbord of deliciousness. If you answered no, don’t worry. This year will give you plenty of opportunities to change that.
Abundance is having all that you need and more.
Affirm to yourself at any time that you waver in this knowledge or faith ‘I have all that I need and more. My life is abundant.’
When you ask, receive. This is one of the biggest blockages to abundance. Take on board anything positive that comes your way. You have earned it. Receive it with grace and gratitude.
Nurture the relationship you have with spirit and it will nurture you back. Consciously co-create with the higher realms and anything becomes possible. Do not be surprised if one or more of your treasured dreams come true this year when you work more closely with spirit.
The year also holds so much more than what I have shared already. Harmony, magic, alignment, peace, cooperation, togetherness, community, intuition, insight, growth and learning, just to name a few.
Like anything in life, we get back what we put in. Give this year your all. Allow yourself to shine, and life will give back to you and bathe you in a bright light.
May this year be your best yet. Shine bright!!
With love and blessings
Kerrie ♡
I have been guided by the angels to give you insight into the year ahead to help empower you to create the life you want to live.
2022 is a year of heart resonance.
It is six universal year in numerology and it is about living our life in accordance with our heart space and energy. It is about being true to ourselves and our hearts needs and desires.
This year will highlight the areas of love, family, home, healing, personal responsibility, gratitude, and bring abundant blessings for those who embrace the learning and energy of this year.
The following indicates what we can look forward to experiencing this year but also what we are guided to focus upon and put intention into as the year progresses. It is a bit of a long read so get yourself comfy and read on!
How and where does this need to be a priority for you? Are you loving yourself as deeply and completely as you can be? Is your heart open to allowing others to fully love you? Are you living your life doing what you love? Are you surrounded by people and belongings that you love? Do you live and/or work in an environment that you love?
If you answered yes, then this year will elevate that love and bring abundance to your heart and your home. If you answered no, then this year will give you opportunities to change – change the relationship you have with yourself so you can hold more self-belief and empowerment, change your friendships and relationships to be more loving and healthy, change your circumstances to align with more of what you truly want, change your living arrangements so that you are surrounded by the energy of love every day, change your career to something you love, etc.
This becomes easier when you connect more deeply with your own heart energy and make choices and decisions that align with what is right for you and with the energy of love. It will not be without its challenge, because change can often be challenging, but the angels assure me it will be worth every effort.
You will be encouraged to set healthier boundaries for yourself and others and learn to be okay with saying no and disappointing people along the way. Love is not selfish. Love is self-assured. Love is taking care of yourself and your needs so that you are full of all that you need and are therefore better able to give your love to those around you, from a healthy place.
If you are looking for or have been waiting for a special love to come into your life this could be the year. Especially when you recognise your worth and what you have to offer another person. Your worth is never dependent upon who is in your life. It is not something to be measured or compared based upon what you have. It is not reliant upon what you look like either. Your worth is unquestionable and immeasurable. You are worthy just as you are. Always.
It is not only those born of the same blood that creates a family. Family can be your circle of friends, relatives, contacts, and colleagues. Those that you spend significant time with and those who hold a special place in your heart.
Is your family one that is whole and nurturing? Is it one that is fractured and destructive? Is it one that supports you to be the best that you can be, or does it hinder and diminish you?
This year will highlight these areas and give you opportunities to heal and nurture your family bonds so that you and your relationships can strengthen. You may not be able to heal others, in fact you will not. You can only heal yourself.
Remember who and what is truly important to you and let go of the rest. You do not need to agree with how others live their lives or in the choices they make. You do not need to be the model family or live in each other’s pockets.
Healing is not always about coming together. Healing is sometimes about letting go. Letting go of the hurt, the disappointment, the need to take responsibility for other people’s feelings or choices. Healing is about not harbouring resentment or negative emotions and being able to send love to those who need it, whether you are physically together or not.
There will be many opportunities to spend time with and connect with those whom you love this year. Be joyous and playful and appreciate the special people in your life. We cannot know with certainty what the future holds so be sure to love the people around you while they are there. Once a moment is gone, you do not get it back again. Take no one for granted this year and express yourself and your feelings freely, from your heart.
The home is highlighted this year and aligns with the energy of love and family. Is your home welcoming and inviting? Is your home clear or cluttered? Is your home a place that sparks love and joy within you when you walk through the door?
This year is the perfect time to work on your home and create an environment that is welcoming and inviting to those you choose to share it with. Redecorating or remodelling is favoured in this year, especially if it brings an improvement for those who live in it or come to visit. Infuse love into your home every day, not just through your belongings and décor but with your energy, intention, and vibrancy.
This is a great year to clear away clutter too. If the things around you do not invoke a feeling of love or joy anymore then pass them on. One mans trash is another mans treasure, as they say. Donate to charity, give to friends or family. Be generous in what you give away, knowing that it will bring joy to others, and you will reap the rewards in many other ways.
Your home may become a place of more activity this year too. More visitors and gatherings. Perhaps you will set up a home working space or a space to conduct your creative endeavours in. Ensure that you have a special space for you if that is what your heart calls you to do. It will benefit you in more ways than one.
Are you in need of healing? Let’s face it, in some ways we all are. Whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental, there will be lots of love and support around you to help you heal this year. Let people in. Do not suffer in silence or harbour feelings of unworthiness.
Some of you have been on this journey for years. Some of you on a roller coaster, some of you on a merry go round. This year will offer a breakthrough. An opportunity to really see progress. Especially if you feed your mind, your body, your heart, and your soul, with love.
Be your authentic self and let go of feelings of shame, embarrassment, guilt, etc. Shine a light upon the darkness and that which has held power over you no longer will.
You are a being of love and light and worthy of all that your heart desires. When you breathe this deep into your heart space and allow it to become a deep-seated belief, life will take on new meaning and direction for you. You will heal in ways that you thought were not possible.
Connect with your heart daily, listen to its resonance, and it will guide you on your healing journey. You will experience greater love as you heal, and you will heal as you experience greater love.
Are you in a place of personal empowerment? Are you taking full responsibility for yourself in your life? Do you fully own your actions and emotions? Do you find yourself blaming others for your circumstances or feelings?
This is going to be one of the greatest factors and learnings to get the most out of this year. For those who are or who do step into the realm of personal responsibility, you will find that your life flows with much greater ease and you will reap all the beautiful blessings that the year has to offer. For those who are lost in the land of victimhood, it will be a tougher time for you. However, you have the power to change that at any time you choose.
Let’s set the scene.
You cannot feel anything that you do not choose to feel. Someone else cannot make you happy unless you choose to be happy. Someone else cannot make you feel angry unless you choose to feel angry. When you pass your emotion on to be someone else’s responsibility or doing, positive or otherwise, you give away your power.
I see so many people use language, even in movies and television shows that portrays this. How many times have you heard someone say ‘you make me so happy’? When you are in a place of personal responsibility and empowerment you would say something like ‘I feel so happy when I am with you’. There is a difference. Pay attention to your language and the words you use this year.
Owning your emotions is one thing but personal responsibility is more than that. It is about not expecting others to fulfill your needs. You are responsible for yourself and your happiness, your contentment, your fulfillment, etc. On the same note, personal responsibility is the understanding that other people are responsible for themselves too. It is not up to you to fulfill someone else’s need. If you are a people pleaser, look for ways to change that if it is not serving your happiness.
Personal responsibility is also about not blaming others for your circumstances. The only thing you can truly control in life if yourself. Everything outside of yourself is out of your control to a large degree. So, bring your awareness within. If someone else is not treating you in the way you deserve, for example, you can place your energy and blame upon them or you can focus within and change an aspect of yourself that does not allow that person to treat you that way anymore.
If you are walking down the street or encounter a random act of unpleasantness, you can call yourself a victim of circumstance. If you allow a circumstance to be something that occurs more than once you are no longer a victim. You are allowing it to happen.
This will be confronting for some of you to read. This will be challenging for some of you to implement. But this is life changing. Embrace personal responsibility and you become empowered. Become empowered and your life will never be the same again, in the best possible ways.
Do you give thanks daily for the blessings in your life? Are you really grateful for all that you have, or do you focus more on what is missing? Do you have a gratitude journal?
Gratitude is the attitude.
The angels gave me this analogy during 2021 that I will share with you. It is a way to understand gratitude and its benefits on a different level.
Think about a person in your life, anyone. Now think about continuously giving them things. Whether it is compliments, your time, gifts, food, money, etc. If that person was grateful and expressed their thanks to you then you would be more inclined to want to give them more, right? You would get pleasure from the gratitude and happiness they feel. If that person was not grateful though and never thanked you for what you gave them, would you want to keep giving to them? More than likely, not.
Spirit works in the same way. When we are grateful for what we receive they give us more. When we are not grateful, they stop giving us the things we truly want. Not because we are not worthy but because we are not grateful for what we already have.
When we show gratitude for what we have, even when it is not all that we want, we get more of what we want. So, make this a regular part of your routine this year. Create a gratitude journal or join my daily gratitude post on Facebook and Instagram.
You could also start a gratitude jar and make it something that your whole family can participate in. Have pieces of paper next to the jar and encourage household members to write down their gratitude. You could then read these out loud together once a month, as an example. This will also help to bring in more of that love and family connection that the year embodies.
Are you open to receiving? Do you recognise and acknowledge your power to create? Are you attuned with the angels, spirit, and the universe?
If you answered yes, then get ready for an abundant year of blessings. There is so much on offer this year. It is like a smorgasbord of deliciousness. If you answered no, don’t worry. This year will give you plenty of opportunities to change that.
Abundance is having all that you need and more.
Affirm to yourself at any time that you waver in this knowledge or faith ‘I have all that I need and more. My life is abundant.’
When you ask, receive. This is one of the biggest blockages to abundance. Take on board anything positive that comes your way. You have earned it. Receive it with grace and gratitude.
Nurture the relationship you have with spirit and it will nurture you back. Consciously co-create with the higher realms and anything becomes possible. Do not be surprised if one or more of your treasured dreams come true this year when you work more closely with spirit.
The year also holds so much more than what I have shared already. Harmony, magic, alignment, peace, cooperation, togetherness, community, intuition, insight, growth and learning, just to name a few.
Like anything in life, we get back what we put in. Give this year your all. Allow yourself to shine, and life will give back to you and bathe you in a bright light.
May this year be your best yet. Shine bright!!
With love and blessings
Kerrie ♡