A few of years ago I shared a series of posts titled the A-Z of living a meaningful life. I came across it recently and thought it would be great to share this information again, revamped for 2016. I do hope you enjoy the series of posts and to kick it off we’re starting with A for Acceptance!
Let me start by asking you, how accepting do you think you are in your life on a scale of 1-10?
Now think about your current circumstances, your job, your colleagues, your finances, your loved ones, your body and yourself. Think about how often you say or think negative or judgemental things about any of these.
Then let me ask you again, how accepting do you think you are in your life on a scale of 1-10? Did your number increase or decrease?
Acceptance is not always an easy thing to master. We may think we are accepting but in reality we’re not when we dig a little deeper. Acceptance is being ok with whatever the situation or circumstance may be and many of us are not ok with everything in our lives, and nor should we be because we are on a constant journey of learning and growth. However, when we learn to let go of the judgements, the criticisms, and the negativity what we are left with is the truth.
Maybe you don’t want to acknowledge the truth. The truth about your behaviour, the truth about your relationship, the truth about your job, the truth about the state of your finances, the truth about the people you surround yourself with, because if you do then that means this is it. But accepting the truth of your circumstances and situations or accepting people for who they are does not mean than change cannot occur. In fact it’s usually through this acceptance that you can bring about change, and in a much more meaningful way.
Let’s say you don’t like something about yourself and therefore you don’t fully accept who you are or what you look like. When you accept that this is the way it is – for now – and you make peace with that then it allows you to move forward without a sense of lack.
Robert Holden, author and motivation speaker, has a quote that I love: ‘No amount of self-improvement can ever make up for any lack of self-acceptance.” What this means is that if you don’t accept yourself and your worth, your value, etc right now as you are then you will always be chasing the next self-help book, self-improvement course, etc because what you are truly looking for is acceptance.
The beauty of acceptance is that is lies within. You can choose to accept at any point in time. So what do you choose to accept to bring more meaning to your life?...
Let me start by asking you, how accepting do you think you are in your life on a scale of 1-10?
Now think about your current circumstances, your job, your colleagues, your finances, your loved ones, your body and yourself. Think about how often you say or think negative or judgemental things about any of these.
Then let me ask you again, how accepting do you think you are in your life on a scale of 1-10? Did your number increase or decrease?
Acceptance is not always an easy thing to master. We may think we are accepting but in reality we’re not when we dig a little deeper. Acceptance is being ok with whatever the situation or circumstance may be and many of us are not ok with everything in our lives, and nor should we be because we are on a constant journey of learning and growth. However, when we learn to let go of the judgements, the criticisms, and the negativity what we are left with is the truth.
Maybe you don’t want to acknowledge the truth. The truth about your behaviour, the truth about your relationship, the truth about your job, the truth about the state of your finances, the truth about the people you surround yourself with, because if you do then that means this is it. But accepting the truth of your circumstances and situations or accepting people for who they are does not mean than change cannot occur. In fact it’s usually through this acceptance that you can bring about change, and in a much more meaningful way.
Let’s say you don’t like something about yourself and therefore you don’t fully accept who you are or what you look like. When you accept that this is the way it is – for now – and you make peace with that then it allows you to move forward without a sense of lack.
Robert Holden, author and motivation speaker, has a quote that I love: ‘No amount of self-improvement can ever make up for any lack of self-acceptance.” What this means is that if you don’t accept yourself and your worth, your value, etc right now as you are then you will always be chasing the next self-help book, self-improvement course, etc because what you are truly looking for is acceptance.
The beauty of acceptance is that is lies within. You can choose to accept at any point in time. So what do you choose to accept to bring more meaning to your life?...