I don’t live with regrets. I wouldn’t go back and change anything in my life because that would change who I am and where I am in my life now. However, I say that because I have hindsight. If I didn’t have hindsight would I do some things in my life differently? Of course I would. I think we all would. So I’ve written a letter to my younger self; not only because I love to write and I found it enjoyable but because this exercise is a great way to determine what is important and what may need work in the present life. Am I taking my own advice based on what I wrote?... mostly, but there’s definitely room for improvement!!
Dear younger self
You may find it strange reading this from me when you’re still so young and have so much to learn and go through. I understand that you want to experience life for yourself and don’t want to be told what to do but know that what I have to share with is because I love you. I want nothing but the best for you and while I want you to experience the ups and downs of life I also want to pass on some of the wisdom and knowledge I've gained through my experiences to help you on your journey ahead because I sure wish I’d been told these things when I was starting out! Please listen and learn with an open heart and an open mind, and know that you are always loved and supported.
1. Believe in yourself
No matter what anyone else thinks or says about you the only thing that truly matters is what you believe. Never let the words or actions of others determine who and what you can be . The power always lies within YOU!
2. Love yourself
Love is an amazing gift and I have no doubt will experience feelings that nothing else will ever compare to; from extraordinary highs to devastating lows. I wish I could save you the pain that you’ll one day feel but know that it is all part of the experience. Your capacity for love and the type of love you experience will be a direct result of the love you have for yourself so never give away to others what you are not willing to give to yourself first.
3. Know your worth
There is nothing you need to change about who you are in order to be worthy of having what you want. You are as worthy and deserving as anyone else on this earth to have all that your heart desires.
4. Take responsibility
People can only treat you the way you allow them to. Never fall into the victim trap. Take responsibility for yourself, your feelings, your thoughts and your actions because this will empower you to create change and stay true to you.
5. Follow your heart
If you’re taking on and living the suggestions above then you can trust yourself enough to always follow your heart. It will guide you to your purpose. your passion, your hopes and your dreams. They are there for a reason, guiding you to your destiny so allow your heart to lead the way.
6. Connect with spirit
You have angels and guides with you at all times. Talk to them every day, even if you don’t know who they are or you are questioning whether they’re truly even there. You will know deep in your heart that they are. Your connection to spirit will be your saving grace; cherish and nurture it.
7. Be grateful
The moment of ‘now’ is all you are ever guaranteed. Never take anything or anyone for granted and count your blessings every day. There is always so much you can be grateful for, including being you!
8. Take risks
Your biggest growth will come when you step out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to take risks and do things that don’t have a guaranteed outcome. If you’re following your heart, the risk will be worth it.
9. Have fun
Lighten up and don’t take everything so seriously. Laugh at yourself, laugh at life and laugh with those around you. Don’t allow your fears and insecurities to hold you back from doing fun things in your life.
10. It’s going to be OK, in fact more than OK
Last but certainly not least, know that everything is going to be OK. In fact, it will be more than OK. Regardless of the ups or the downs you will go through you have everything you need within you to get through the challenges you’ll face in life. You are strong, you are capable, you are amazing. You are enough. Never forget it!
As much as I wouldn't change anything in my life I hope that you make wiser choices for yourself. But above all I hope that you will love who you are and believe in yourself so much more than I ever did. Life is great now that I do but I missed out on so much joy because I allowed it to be taken away. You deserve better!
Have a beautiful life and I'll see you on the other side.
With love
Your older self
What would you tell your younger self? Take time to write your own letter and see what learning you can get from it. I'd love you to share your thoughts and your insights with me too!
Dear younger self
You may find it strange reading this from me when you’re still so young and have so much to learn and go through. I understand that you want to experience life for yourself and don’t want to be told what to do but know that what I have to share with is because I love you. I want nothing but the best for you and while I want you to experience the ups and downs of life I also want to pass on some of the wisdom and knowledge I've gained through my experiences to help you on your journey ahead because I sure wish I’d been told these things when I was starting out! Please listen and learn with an open heart and an open mind, and know that you are always loved and supported.
1. Believe in yourself
No matter what anyone else thinks or says about you the only thing that truly matters is what you believe. Never let the words or actions of others determine who and what you can be . The power always lies within YOU!
2. Love yourself
Love is an amazing gift and I have no doubt will experience feelings that nothing else will ever compare to; from extraordinary highs to devastating lows. I wish I could save you the pain that you’ll one day feel but know that it is all part of the experience. Your capacity for love and the type of love you experience will be a direct result of the love you have for yourself so never give away to others what you are not willing to give to yourself first.
3. Know your worth
There is nothing you need to change about who you are in order to be worthy of having what you want. You are as worthy and deserving as anyone else on this earth to have all that your heart desires.
4. Take responsibility
People can only treat you the way you allow them to. Never fall into the victim trap. Take responsibility for yourself, your feelings, your thoughts and your actions because this will empower you to create change and stay true to you.
5. Follow your heart
If you’re taking on and living the suggestions above then you can trust yourself enough to always follow your heart. It will guide you to your purpose. your passion, your hopes and your dreams. They are there for a reason, guiding you to your destiny so allow your heart to lead the way.
6. Connect with spirit
You have angels and guides with you at all times. Talk to them every day, even if you don’t know who they are or you are questioning whether they’re truly even there. You will know deep in your heart that they are. Your connection to spirit will be your saving grace; cherish and nurture it.
7. Be grateful
The moment of ‘now’ is all you are ever guaranteed. Never take anything or anyone for granted and count your blessings every day. There is always so much you can be grateful for, including being you!
8. Take risks
Your biggest growth will come when you step out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to take risks and do things that don’t have a guaranteed outcome. If you’re following your heart, the risk will be worth it.
9. Have fun
Lighten up and don’t take everything so seriously. Laugh at yourself, laugh at life and laugh with those around you. Don’t allow your fears and insecurities to hold you back from doing fun things in your life.
10. It’s going to be OK, in fact more than OK
Last but certainly not least, know that everything is going to be OK. In fact, it will be more than OK. Regardless of the ups or the downs you will go through you have everything you need within you to get through the challenges you’ll face in life. You are strong, you are capable, you are amazing. You are enough. Never forget it!
As much as I wouldn't change anything in my life I hope that you make wiser choices for yourself. But above all I hope that you will love who you are and believe in yourself so much more than I ever did. Life is great now that I do but I missed out on so much joy because I allowed it to be taken away. You deserve better!
Have a beautiful life and I'll see you on the other side.
With love
Your older self
What would you tell your younger self? Take time to write your own letter and see what learning you can get from it. I'd love you to share your thoughts and your insights with me too!