Monday 27 April to Sunday 3 May 2020
This week’s reading was inspired by images from The Dragon Oracle by Diana Cooper. The card I’ve randomly chosen for the overall theme this week relates to divine healing. The angels see how and where you need healing and they are ready and waiting to serve. They ask that you open your heart, your mind, and your soul to receive – in all ways; emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Breathe in the beauty of peace, calm and serenity and it will be yours.
Image 1: You are protected
This week the angels want you to know that you are being divinely protected. Try your best to avoid engaging in negative or fearful thoughts for they will only bring your energy and vibration down. This blocks your ability to receive the messages and healing that spirit wants to give to you. Be mindful of your personal energy this week too. You may find strong emotions coming to the surface, which again, you need not fear. Allow those feelings to surface and if you acknowledge them with love they will release with ease. Strong emotions are not always negative though. You may experience a surge of passion. An energy that you do not want to deny. Embrace it. Go with it. Allow the passion to flow through your body in whatever way it desires. It is a symbol of moving forward.
Image 2: Journey within
This week the angels encourage you to go within. There is much to discover and experience within the depths of your being. In fact, you may even find the key to your freedom there. You no longer need to be chained to your past, to your limiting beliefs, and to your own destructive patterns and behaviours. Your soul is ready for its freedom, as is your mind. Additionally, this week pay attention to your intuition. It speaks to you through your body and your senses so you may not recognise it as intuition to begin with but the more you connect within the better you will get at connecting the dots. It can be easy to stay where it is safe and comfortable, after all the better the devil you know right? Not always. Be open and willing to explore beyond what you currently know and do.
Image 3: The power of love
This week the angels bring through the beauty and power of love. Love is the answer to so many of your problems and challenges. Instead of focusing on a person or a situation in a problematic way, send that person or situation love. Visualise it being surrounded with a pink bubble of energy and visualise yourself in that bubble enjoying the feelings of love, connection and solution. As you know from your own personal experiences in life, you have grown and evolved through your most challenging times. It may feel like you are stuck in the mud somewhere in your life at the moment but just think about the lotus flower. Its beauty is undeniable, yet it grows from the mud. Whenever you feel stuck this week just stop and breathe in love. It will work its magic.
Image 4: Clarity and clearing
This week the angels herald greater clarity and clearing in your life. You may find that blockages clear away for you, allowing you more clarity to move forward. You may feel a burst of energy to clear and cleanse your environment or space. You may feel guided to make changes that raise your vibration, allowing you more connection to clearly hear the voice of spirit and your soul. It may even be a combination of the three and if it is, wow. Get ready for the week ahead! No matter what it is for you though, this energy is here to help clear your path so that you can move more freely into where you are meant to be. You might not know what or where that is now, but you soon will. Keep the faith. Follow the signs. All will be revealed.
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