Overview Message:
This week, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael are here with us. They have come together, and it’s no surprise, as they work in perfect harmony. Their shared purpose this week is to bring us healing — healing for any aspect of our lives that needs it. Archangel Michael, traditionally known as the protector, carries his shield to keep negativity away and wields his sword to cut through anything blocking our path forward. Archangel Raphael is the angel of healing, bringing a nurturing and comforting energy. Raphael's energy radiates in shades of green, while Michael’s presence is embodied in shades of blue.
Visualise these two powerful archangels working with you this week, in whatever way feels right for you. Perhaps you see yourself resting peacefully, with one angel at your head and the other at your feet. You might imagine yourself sitting in meditation, with Michael and Raphael beside you, enveloping you in their powerful presence. Alternatively, you might visualise them working on a specific situation in your life, because their healing extends beyond just our physical being—it reaches our circumstances, our emotions, our mind, and our spirit. Wherever healing is needed, they are there, ready to help. There is no judgment from the angels. They come without conditions, simply to assist and uplift.
The beautiful and profound sense of magic, miracles, and healing available to us this week is preparing us for something new, something that is on the horizon. As we near the end of the year, this sense of shifting and changing becomes more present and apparent. We are being drawn towards new directions, fresh energies, and blossoming opportunities. The angels are guiding us to align ourselves fully with these changes and to welcome them with open hearts and arms.
Image 1:
Do not allow others to deplete you or take away from what truly matters to you. Sometimes we give and give until there's almost nothing left. It can feel as though our light, and everything that makes us luminous, begins to fade. Protect yourself from allowing that to happen.
Pay attention to where your energy is going this week too. We can often get distracted by what is on the outside, whether it is positive or negative. We might be drawn to the pretty, shiny things without recognising the deeper value in those that may not appear as beautiful at first glance. In the same way, we sometimes judge people based on their outer appearance, without taking the time to connect with who they are within their heart and soul.
The angels invite you to dig a little deeper and to move beyond the surface and ask, “What value does this hold for me?” Not from what can be seen with your eyes, but from the sense of value it holds in your heart when you look deeper. For example, you might be considering a new course of study. Look deeper, do some research, and ask yourself: Does this path truly offer what I am seeking? Does it align with my vision? Will it provide the opportunities I desire?
You may feel called to dive deeper into a relationship with someone you may have dismissed. Perhaps you haven’t wanted to engage, but there could be more beneath the surface. It could even be someone with whom you’re experiencing challenges, and all you are seeing is the difficulty and what they are presenting on the outside. What might be driving their behaviour? What are they experiencing beneath the surface? What can you discover when you choose to see with compassion and curiosity rather than judgment? Can you find a point of connection?
So, this week, you have the opportunity not only to guard the treasure that is precious to you but also to uncover hidden treasures that lie beneath the surface. Look beyond appearances, dig a little deeper, and seek out the deeper truths and insights. Don’t just take things at face value—explore, be curious, and see what you can find.
AFFIRMATION: I am protecting what is valuable to me and allowing my light to shine bright.
Image 2:
The angels acknowledge a sense of having your defences raised, of feeling the need to keep walls up. There’s a watchfulness about you, much like the fox in the image; always on guard, always scanning your surroundings. You possess a kind of cunning, but not in a harmful way. Instead, it is a wisdom that allows you to navigate people and situations skilfully, not to manipulate, but to protect yourself. Perhaps when others ask, "Are you okay?" you often reply, "Yes, I'm fine," even when, deep down, you know you're not. You attempt to control the situation, or your own responses, so that they do not see what is truly happening within you.
If you resonate with having these barriers, with always being on guard, and struggling to relax into who you really are, the angels want you to understand that this behaviour often stems from past experiences—times when you have been hurt, betrayed, or let down. They recognise this, and there is absolutely no judgement. The angels are simply and lovingly nudging those of you who are ready to now begin releasing these barriers. Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael are with you, offering their profound healing energy. Michael’s sword can help you to cut the cords of attachment to the fears and patterns that prevent you from fully relaxing into your life and Archangel Raphael can help you to be more present and joyful in the moments that you have.
Whilst we all need a destination, a vision of where we are heading or what we want to achieve, the angels bring an important reminder for you this week: you do not need to have everything figured out. You don’t need to have the whole journey meticulously mapped out, resisting any deviation from the plan. That is not how you experience true joy. It is important to have a direction, but also to give yourself the freedom to be in, and go with, the flow.
Trust your instincts and follow your intuition. Sometimes, this will take you down unexpected paths, and that’s perfectly okay. You may explore a road only to find it leads to a dead end, but you would never have known that had you not allowed yourself to explore. Alternatively, you might stumble upon hidden treasures—experiences and opportunities you never would have discovered otherwise.
Relax into the journey. Trust your intuition, and give yourself permission to enjoy the ride. If we could simply snap our fingers and arrive exactly where we want to be without experiencing the struggles, challenges, love, and joy that take us there, the destination would feel empty and without true meaning. The magic lies in the journey itself, as cliche as it may sound.
This week, try letting go of the judgements you hold about yourself. Perhaps in doing so, you will find that you no longer need to have such high defences, nor be so concerned with the judgements of others.
AFFIRMATION: I am releasing the barriers of the past and enjoying this beautiful journey of life
Image 3:
In the image, you can see a radiant rainbow arching over the hills, with water peacefully in the background. There’s a sense of safety behind the walls of the castle—everything within feels wonderful. Life is comfortable; you have all that you need, and there is a feeling of security and contentment. But deep in your heart, there is a whisper that says, “There is more.” Something within you longs for the freedom, excitement, and exploration that lies beyond those walls. This is exactly what you are being called to embrace this week.
Archangel Michael is here to light the way, clearing your path and helping to dissolve any negative energy that might be holding you back, allowing you to walk a path of light. Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing and joy, is also here, showering your path with happiness and guiding you towards true fulfilment. Take a moment to visualise yourself walking along this path—a path illuminated with light, filled with joy, love, and possibilities. It is beautiful, and this week, you have the opportunity to step onto it.
Listen to the calling of your heart, and be courageous enough to step beyond your comfort zone. Know that the safety of the castle is always there for you, and you can return to it whenever you need to. But for now, let yourself be bold. Step forward, explore, and discover all that life has to offer beyond what is familiar.
This is a time of exciting and beautiful energy. Embrace it, embody it, and watch as the blessings unfold before you.
AFFIRMATION: I am stepping beyond my comfort zone and embracing freedom and joy
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