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The angels are bringing forward a powerful energy of protection. This isn’t necessarily a spiritual protection (though that is present); rather, it is self-protection.
For those who are fans of The Lord of the Rings, the phrase that came to mind was: “You shall not pass.” If you have seen the movie, you will remember the strength and determination with which Gandalf expresses those words as he protects his companions. Similarly, when we are in a position to protect our loved ones, we often go to great lengths to keep them safe and prevent anyone from taking advantage of them. Yet, we don’t always extend that same protective energy to ourselves.
This week’s message is about embodying that “you shall not pass” energy for our own well-being. It’s about setting boundaries and standing firm: You shall not treat me this way. You shall not speak to me this way. You shall not bring this into my life. It’s about knowing our worth, valuing ourselves, and respecting ourselves enough to say, This is what I deserve, and if you cannot align with that, you cannot continue on my journey. Leave.
We are encouraged to be mindful of what we allow into our lives this week. Make sure that everything aligns with our sense of self-worth and what we truly deserve. Let's not settle for anything less!
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This isn’t about being selfish or disregarding others. Instead, it’s about recognising your worth and making choices that align with what you desire and deserve. Some of you may have been holding yourselves back or not fully expressing your truth. This is a call to step into your power, strength, and confidence.
Visualise yourself as the leader of your own life, like a CEO guiding their company. Inspire and encourage yourself to embrace change and move forward. Challenges may arise, as they often do with new beginnings, but affirm to yourself 'I’ve got this. I’m ready. I have what I need to succeed.'
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The angels want you to know it’s okay to take small steps. You don’t have to dive in all at once. Take your time to feel grounded and comfortable. If you need a moment to pause, reflect, or reset, give yourself permission to do so. Then, when you are ready, take another small step forward.
Stepping out of your comfort zone will always bring some discomfort, but it’s part of growth. Be kind and patient with yourself. Avoid procrastination, but also avoid overwhelming yourself. Find balance by taking deliberate, steady steps.
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This is a fertile time, full of potential. Be mindful of the energy you are putting into the world. Focus on planting seeds of growth, not seeds of doubt or fear. Your thoughts, actions, and words this week will shape what you manifest. Take care to align with positive intentions, knowing that what you nurture now will expand and flourish.
There is also a sense of coming back to life and feeling more connected to your divine purpose and the path you are meant to walk. Trust that the changes or choices you have made are aligned with where you are meant to be at this stage of your life. Have faith in yourself and the journey ahead.
Copyright 2025
This information is not to be copied or reproduced without written permission from the author, Kerrie Lee Intuitive. You are welcome to share direct from this website or the Kerrie Lee Intuitive Facebook page
2025 Year Ahead Reading
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