Overview Message
The Angels are bringing through a beautiful light energy this week—an energy of joy, happiness, and love. They’re encouraging all of us to bring more of this into our day-to-day lives. What is it that gives you a sense of joy? Play your favourite music. Dance around the kitchen while you’re cooking. Engage in your creativity. Whatever it is that lights you up, bring it into this week. Be playful, be fun, and be joyful.
This energy is also deeply connected to love. Essentially, it’s about bringing more of what we love into our daily lives. The Angels are saying that as we align with this vibration of love more and more this week, we open ourselves to giving love, receiving love, and experiencing love. When we do, it is almost as if a portal opens, bringing through beautiful, bright blessings. Good luck and aligned experiences will come your way simply by being open to creating, receiving, and enjoying more love in your life. When you think about it, it’s pretty easy, right?
The Angels are also bringing forward a message about expressing love this week. Talk to the people in your life. Express how you feel. Share your gratitude for them—whether it’s gratitude for something they’ve done or simply gratitude for who they are and their presence in your life. Speak words of love and spread that energy wherever you go like sprinklings of fairy dust.
For those who truly commit to and connect with this energy of love this week, the angels bring through that you will see the rewards from your intention and actions.
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You might be afraid of success, judgment, failure, humiliation, or something else entirely. What fear is ultimately holding you back and/or creating a blockage in your life? For some of you, identifying this fear will be easy and you will know what it is right away. For others, it might take a little more digging. The angels want you to become aware of this fear because it’s time to release it.
This week, focus on connecting with your spirit, your soul, and the essence of who you truly are. Sprinkle and spread love over your fear. Let it go. Understand that you don’t need to hold onto this fear because it’s not real. It is just something your mind has chosen to believe. By releasing this fear, you’ll find yourself in a stronger space, particularly as you move forward in the coming weeks.
The angels also want you to know that your intuition will be heightened this week. Trust your inner feelings, nudges, thoughts, and sensations. Intuition is often unexplainable but we just know it is there. Quieten your mind, whether through meditation, breathwork, or simply being present in the moment. Let your mind settle so you can connect with your soul and true essence.
The angels are encouraging you to speak less this week. Don’t feel the need to respond to everything or say too much. Instead, observe and listen. You might find deeper insights emerging when you step back and tune in to what is being said in both your inner and outer worlds.
AFFIRMATION: “I release all fear and embrace the love and strength within me.”
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The angels are also bringing through a message of illumination. When you connect with your happiness and joy, the path ahead becomes bright and clear. There’s no need to worry about anything or to figure everything out right now. Instead, focus on what brings you joy today. What lights up your soul?
If you’re contemplating a change or feeling unsure about the future, the angels encourage you to follow what lights you up from the inside. What gives you a sense of passion, joy and lightness? These feelings are indicators that you are on the right path. Everyone deserves to wake up joyful and live a life they love. If you’re not living that life, the angels remind you that your choices are creating your reality. This week, you can make different choices. Focus on joy and happiness, and let everything else fall into place naturally.
The angels are also encouraging you to work on balance this week. Reflect on where your life, energy, mindset, or actions might need more balance and make adjustments accordingly.
AFFIRMATION: “As I embrace happiness and balance, everything I need flows effortlessly into my life.”
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The angels ask you to tune into your body and its needs. It will be different for each of you. Do you need more hydration, fresh air, rest, or stillness? Maybe you need to stretch, exercise, dance, or simply soak in a warm bath. Perhaps you need to spend less time around electronics and other stimulants. Listen to your body’s wisdom and honour what it’s asking for. This week is an opportunity to release patterns of neglecting your health and well-being. Use the full moon’s energy to exhale and let go of what no longer aligns. Begin to create a new routine for yourself.
For those of you who have struggled to put yourself or your wellbeing high on your priority list, now is the time to change that. The angels want you to know that even a small step, like committing to one nourishing action a day, can create a positive shift for you. Not in only in the relationship you have with yourself but in the ones you have with others too. As you honour your needs more, so too will others.
AFFIRMATION: “I honour my body, mind, and soul by giving myself permission to rest and recharge.”
Wishing you an abundance of beautiful blessings for the week ahead. Namaste. x
Copyright 2024
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