Overview Message
With the three images, each has a keyword, a theme for the year ahead so to speak. You might resonate with the word connected to your chosen image or if you are choosing all of them, you might decide which one feels right for you. You might even want to choose your own word based on what comes through. Whatever you decide, the keyword is basically setting an intention with the universe, and something for you to consider and be aware of as the year progresses.
Let’s start with the overview and what the angels are bringing forward.
There is a beautiful energy of flow coming through. The angels are encouraging us to get into an energetic space, a mindset, where we are letting go of attachments. This is so we don’t feel overly attached to anything and therefore do not create blockages to the flow. That doesn’t mean we can’t have things or people in our lives—absolutely, it’s okay to do that. Love what you have in your life, love what you buy, love who you spend time with. However, don’t have such an attachment to these things or people that you fear losing them. Always have a sense of belief and understanding that you are being provided for, that the universe has your back, that the angels and spirit are working for you—not against you.
If things or people disappear from your life or feel a little challenging or difficult at times through the year—and let’s face it, we all have those moments—it’s about sitting in that flow. Don’t get caught up in fear, stress, worry, or anxiety that pulls you away from that. The flow is about giving and receiving. It’s about action and patience. It’s about the ebb and flow of energy, of love, and of life.
We are being guided to use our past experiences this year to help us to succeed and achieve. This is a nine universal year, so from a numerology perspective, this is the end of a cycle. There will be lots of opportunities this year to end what is no longer serving us—to have the universe, spirit, and the angels eliminate things from our lives that aren’t needed for the next phase.
If number one is the beginning of the journey and number nine is the end, then we are called to bring all of that experience, wisdom, and accumulation of knowledge from those years and put it into practice. We are being guided to act with emotional intelligence, to think not only with our hearts but also with our heads, to be conscious of the choices we are making.
We are also being reminded that everything outside of ourselves is out of our control. We are being called to trust and remember that the universe, spirit, and angels understand the big plan. We might think we know, but really, we don’t know. Trust in that flow.
The angels are also bringing through a beautiful energy, letting us know that our prayers are being heard and will be answered. There’s a sense of trust and faith in spirit, knowing that when the time is right, the outcomes will come through, the insights will appear, and the answers will reveal themselves.
All we have to do is trust, believe, have faith and be patient, knowing that things happen when they are meant to. We are being guided to work on any blockages we have in that regard and to strengthen our relationship with the angels, spirit, passed-over loved ones, the universe, or whoever we connect with on that grander and higher scale.
Keep the lines of communication open in 2025, especially with the divine, and allow the flow to flow. Flow is about giving and receiving, communicating and opening ourselves to the guidance, insights, and signs being sent from spirit. They are guiding us with peace, love, and harmony.
Image 1:
This is freedom from whatever has been holding you back. It could be freedom from limiting beliefs, freedom from patterns and behaviours, or freedom from unhealthy relationships and situations in your life. Whatever that means for you, ask yourself: Where do I feel I do not have freedom?
The angels are bringing forward the message that freedom is deeper than simply letting go of what doesn’t serve you. This is about being able to truly be yourself—to feel like you can authentically and comfortably just be who you are. There’s a sense of freedom in realising: I don’t have to pretend. I don’t have to try to be someone I’m not. I don't have to live up to what or who people expect me to be. I can simply be me.
This energy also invites more fun, play, love, and laughter into your life. It’s about allowing yourself to live. Life is for living, as they say! You have 365 days in 2025—that’s not a lot when you really think about it. Take every opportunity, every day, to explore, experience, and enjoy freedom.
The angels also bring forward the message that as you free yourself from binds and attachments, unhealthy situations, and limiting patterns, your ability to manifest will heighten in 2025. Freedom and manifestation are deeply connected for you this year.
To enhance your manifestations, immerse yourself in gratitude. Express gratitude to the universe, the angels, the people in your life, and to yourself. Make it a regular practice. You might consider using a gratitude journal. It doesn’t have to be fancy—just a small notebook where you can write three to five things you’re grateful for each day. By connecting with the energy of gratitude, you allow the universe and spirit to bring even more blessings into your life.
Image 2:
I love this word—it was once my personal theme for a year, and everything aligned beautifully.
The angels bring forward this message: alignment is about getting your energy, mindset, and actions in tune with what you want to enjoy, experience, or create this year. It’s an opportunity to reflect on your vision for 2025. Ask yourself: What is my goal? What is my vision? What is my dream?
If you were having a conversation with me at the end of 2025, what would you like to tell me that you achieved, experienced, or felt? These reflections are key indicators of what you are striving toward. Once you identify them, it’s about aligning yourself with that vision and energy. Align your mindset by using the power of your thoughts to support you. Align your energy by working on releasing and removing blockages—those old patterns, stories, and attachments to the past. In a nine universal year, it’s especially important to let go of what no longer serves you. You don’t want to carry those old energies into the next nine-year cycle.
The angels remind you about divine timing. Everything will align when it’s meant to, so don’t try to force or control things this year. Sit in the energy of alignment, trusting that the universe knows what’s best for you.
You might unknowingly limit yourself this year by focusing too much on something or someone specific. There could be something even better for you so the angels want you to be open to the universe bringing forward what serves your highest good and happiness, even if it’s not what you initially expected or wanted. For example, if you want love then do not focus on a specific person (even if your heart desires them). Just align yourself with the energy and vibration of love and allow the universe to send in the best person who is right for you.
Image 3:
Your message is about more than the physical space that most people connect home with. Home is where the heart is, and your heart is within you. You are your home.
This year, the focus is on you. It’s about coming into a place where you truly love who you are and feel comfortable in your own skin. It’s about feeling grounded, safe, and secure within yourself.
This is not selfish work. It’s meaningful, and it will enhance your connections with others. By working on yourself, you improve your relationships, your experiences, and what you attract into your life.
The angels also bring a gentle reminder not to give up on love. If you have closed your heart or built walls to protect yourself, they encourage you to explore the reasons why. These walls may point to areas within yourself that need love and healing.
You don’t have to focus on finding love or actively seeking someone in your life Instead, focus on healing and strengthening your relationship with yourself and let whatever will be, be. When you truly love and value yourself, you become more confident and secure, and you naturally attract healthier, more aligned relationships. So, if you hold fears or have repeated patterns of certain types of people or relationships that you attract into your life, as you heal and love yourself more deeply then your energy and vibration changes. That then changes the type of people and situations you attract into your life.
If you have experienced heartbreak, betrayal, or grief, it’s time to let go of the emotional attachments to the people and situations behind them. Practice the art of forgiveness so that you can be free to enjoy the love and happiness you are worthy of. Come into a place of peace and allow yourself to experience the beauty of connection—in whatever form that takes for you.
This year is about clearing away the energetic clutter—letting go of what no longer serves us and stepping into action, flow, and alignment. When we do this, we will feel the freedom, love, and joy that comes from living our most authentic life.
I send you an abundance of angel blessings as you round off the energy of 2024 and step into the promise of 2025. May it be your best year yet!
Copyright 2024
This information is not to be copied or reproduced without written permission from the author, Kerrie Lee Intuitive. You are welcome to share direct from this website or the Kerrie Lee Intuitive Facebook page
If you’re ready to align with spirit’s guidance and want personal insights into what 2025 holds specifically for YOU then Click here for more information.