2025 Divine Insight & Guidance Readings and Shine Bright Readings - Feedback
- Hi Kerrie. Thank you for my recent readings 2025 Shine Bright Reading and the 2025 Divine Insight and Guidance Reading. I will be listening to them regularly. They were both amazing and so on point as to what is happening and what may happen. I do like the new format too. - Sal
- Hi Kerrie. Thank you so much for my readings. They were absolutely inspiring and have helped me focus forward for the year ahead. I found that they helped to consolidate information that has been coming my way over a 3 year period and, you not only helped complete the puzzle for me, you framed it beautifully. - Catherine
- Hi Kerrie. Thank you so much for the reading. So many aspects really resonated with me. Your reading has given me the feels to get myself back on track. Thank you so much. I will be re-listening and embracing positive thoughts .- xx Sam
- Thank you so much Kerrie! Both readings are so meaningful to me and I will listen to them again. I do really love the layout of them also. - Michelle
- Hello Kerrie. A million thanks & hugs of gratitude! I love the new format of the readings. You, the angels, my spiritual guides and ancestors never cease to amaze me. The reading was exactly the conversation I had with my youngest sister two days ago about what my focus is for the year ahead. Simply amazing! I also had an epiphany and sense of great appreciation and acknowledgement of the purpose of the wonderful experiences and lessons I have, and continue to have, on my life’s journey. This helped me understand my spiritual alignment and purpose. I am super excited about 2025. With great appreciation and love! - Michele
- Dear Kerrie. Thank you so much for my beautiful reading. I did indeed have to write things down and listen to it a few times to really "get" the guidance. The more I listened to it, the more it made sense and I am starting to realise how it all ties together. I am sure more is going to unfold in the coming months and I will understand it on many different levels too as the year unfolds. I want to thank you again so much for all your support Kerrie, and acknowledge how much your readings have been so helpful to my personal and spiritual growth. Your insights are always spot on, and an accurate reflection of what I am going through and/or feeling which is very comforting. Blessings. - Mel
- Hi Kerrie. The readings contained so much information so there was so much to digest. It was just wonderful. Thank you so much. A lot of it did resonate already but it will be interesting to revisit it later in the year (which I will do) to refine what else I need to do. There was a lot about organisation so when I tell you that I have spent the last week going through wardrobes and cupboards, you won’t be surprised! - xx Pat
- Thank you Kerrie. I am feeling so many different emotions at the moment, it’s overwhelming. The angels have given me so much strength to move forward. The intention and wanting to move on has been so strong for me but I just haven’t been able to. I have tried to forget the past, not clear it. The work now it to clear the blockages and make room for all the bright and beautiful things. To have space in my life spiritually and physically, room to bloom. The work is beginning today. Thank you Kerrie and the Angels for your advice and blessings. - Lynda
- Hi Kerrie. Your reading was amazing and insightful. It appears that I am on the right track for 2025 if I do some reflection work and balance out my time between me and others. I really enjoyed the reading and it has given me the confidence to keep progressing with my career path. Many thanks! - Lesley
- Hey Kerrie. Thank you for my reading. I have listened to it twice already and will probably listen again tomorrow. It is all very fitting, and I can see what you are saying for the year ahead. I have been trying to make changes but just can’t get over the lines. Thanks once again. I’m very happy. - Prue
- Thank you for the reading Kerrie. So much food for thought! I made notes that I will reread and activate. Also, I will listen to the reading as the year progresses. Sounds like a challenge. Blessings. - Kathy
- Thank you Kerrie. I have a lot to take in. Some of it already makes so much sense as to why certain things have already happened this year. Cheers. - Sam